Friday, July 18, 2008

tailor svn to hg

I few weeks ago I discovered tailor. After installing the latest tarball. Following this tutorial I was able to checkout from a svn repository from work into my hg repo. I was not interested in pushing back changes, in my case the project ended, however it should be easy enough to do.

I called my config file: projectname.tailor

root-directory = /home/me/projectname
source = svn:projectname
target = hg:projectname
state-file = svn-to-hg.state

repository = https://svnserver/svn/main/projectname
module = /trunk
subdir = svnside
trust-root = True

repository = /home/me/projectname
subdir = hgside

At the terminal:
 $ tailor --configfile=projectname.tailor svn-to-hg
This will create two directories in /home/me/projectname/ hgside and svnside.

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